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121. Power and personality

by Lasswell, Harold Dwight.

Publisher: New York W. W. Norton pub. 1948Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 155.23 LAS] (1).

122. READING on the double: how to increase your comprehension

Publisher: New York Business Information Program Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 658.4092 REA] (1).

123. SPEAKING with confidence: how to take the worries out if business presentations

Publisher: New York Business Information Program Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 658.4092 SPE] (1).

124. WRITING for results: how to get started

Publisher: New York Business Information Program Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 658.4092 WRI] (1).

125. Leadership for health for all : the challenge to nursing a strategy for action WORLD Health Organization

by WORLD Health Organization.

Publisher: Geneva World Health Organization 1987Availability: Items available for reference: Medical Library [Call number: 362.1068 WOR] (1).

126. Leadership for health for all : the challenge to nursing a strategy for action WORLD Health Organization

by WORLD Health Organization.

Publisher: Geneva World Health Organization 1987Availability: Items available for reference: Medical Library [Call number: 362.1068 WOR] (1).

127. Planning in the face of conflict: the surprising possibilities of facilitative leadership

by Forester, John.

Publisher: Chicago American Planning Association 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 303.69 FOR] (1).

128. Develop your leadership skills: fast, effective ways to become a leader people want to follow

by Adair, John.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: London Koganpage 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Agriculture Library [Call number: 158.1 ADA] (1).

129. Leaders: strategies for taking charge

by Bennis, Warren.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: New York Collins Business essntials 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Agriculture Library [Call number: 658.409 BEN] (1).

130. Perceived leadership styles and employee performance in public sector organizations in the Northern province, Sri Lanka / Thaneswary Raveendran

by Raveendran, Thaneswary | Prof. Aruna shantha Gamage [Supervisor].

Publisher: Jaffna: 2019Dissertation note: Ph.D. Thesis University of Jaffna, 2019. Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 658.4 RAV] (1).

131. The Leadership Challence

by Kouzes, James M | Posner, Barry Z.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: New Delhi: Wiley India, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 941 KOU] (1).

132. Leadership for Dummies

by Marrin, John.

Publisher: New delhi: Wiley India, 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 658.00973 MAR] (1).

133. Developing leadership excellence : a practice guide for the new professional supervisor / Tracey Harris.

by Harris, Tracey.

Publisher: New York, NY : Routledge, 2018Online access: eBook Single File Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 658.3/02 HAR] (1).

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