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1. Financial analysis and reporting

by GUPTA, Shashi K.

Edition: 3rd ed., rev.Publisher: Ludhiana Kalyani pub. 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 657.3 GUP] (2).

2. Financial reporting and analysis -2015 level II

by CHARTERED Financial Analyst Institute.

Publisher: [S.l.] CFA Institute/Wiley 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 657 CHA] (1).

3. Financial statement analysis and reporting / Peddina Mohana Rao

by RAO, Peddina Mohana.

Publisher: New Delhi PHI Learning 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 657.3 RAO] (3).

4. Corporate financial reporting and analysis: a global perspective

by Young, S. David.

Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: Chichester John Wiley & Sons. 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 657.3 YOU] (1).

5. Financial reporting & analysis: using financial accounting information

by Gibson, Charles H.

Edition: 12th ed.Publisher: [Australia] South-Western 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.15 GIB] (1).

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