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41. ESCHERICHIA coli and salmonella typhimurium: cellular and molecular biology /edited by Frederck C.Neidhardt...[et al]

by Neidhardt, Frederck C [Editor].

Publisher: Washington American society for microbiology 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: 579.34 ESC] (2).

42. ESSENTIAL cell biology

by Alberts, B.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: New York Garland Science 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Agriculture Library [Call number: 571.6 ESS] (1), Technology Library [Call number: 571.6 ESS] (8).

43. Essential cell biology / [by] Alberts, B... [et al.]

by Bruce, Alberts [et al].

Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: New York Garland Science 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Agriculture Library [Call number: 571.6 ESS] (1), Medical Library [Call number: 571.6 ESS] (1).

44. ESSENTIAL cell biology

by Davey, John., ed.

Publisher: Oxford Oxford University press 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Technology Library [Call number: 571.6 ESS] (2).

45. ESSENTIAL cell biology : an introduction to the molecular biology of the cell

by Alberts, Bruce [et al].

Publisher: New York Garland pub. 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 571.6 ESS] (2). Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 571.6 ESS] (1).

46. Exercises in cell biology / [by] John A. Parsons, Harriete C. Schapiro

by PARSONS, John A | Schapiro, Harriete C.

Publisher: New York McGraw-Hill book 1975Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 571.6 PAR] (1).

47. GENETIC Moasics and cell differentiation /edited by W.J.Gehring

by Gehring, W.J [Editor].

Publisher: Berlin Springer-Verlag 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: 576.5 GEN] (1).

48. INTERNATIONAL cytology : a survey of cell biology / edited by Kwang W.Jeon, Janathan Jarvik and Martin Friedlander

by Jeon, Kwang W [Editor] | Jarvik, Janathan [Editor] | Friedlander, Martin [Editor].

Publisher: San Diego Academic press 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: 574.87 INT] (1).

49. Introduction to bioinformatics / [by] Teresa K. Attwood, David J. Parry-Smith

by ATTWOOD, Teresa K | Parry-Smith, David J.

Publisher: Delhi Pearson Education 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Agriculture Library [Call number: 570.285 ATT] (2).

50. Laboratory techniques in cell biology, plant physiology and environmental sciences / [by] S.S.Choudhary, Prabha Choudhary, Sunil K. Choudhary

by CHOUDHARY, S.S | Choudhary, Prabha | Choudhary, Sunil K.

Publisher: Ludhiana Kalyani pub. 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Agriculture Library [Call number: 571.6 CHO] (1).

51. MEDICAL cell biology / edited by Steven R.Goodman

by Goodman, Steven R [Editor].

Publisher: Philadelphia J.B.Lippincott 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: 611.0181 MED] (1).

52. MITOCHONDRIAL Physiology and pathology /edited by Gary Fiskum

by Fiskum, Gary [Editor].

Publisher: New York Van Nostrand Reinhold Company 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: 574.87342 MIT] (2).

53. Molecilar biology of the cell

by Alberts, Bruce.

Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: New York Garland Science 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Technology Library [Call number: 571.6 MOL] (4).

54. Molecular biology of the cell / Bruce Alberts...[et al.]

by Alberts, Bruce.

Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: Nre York Garlanf publishing 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 572.8 MOL] (2), Medical Library [Call number: 571.6 MOL] (1).

55. MOLECULAR biology of the cell

by Alberts, Bruce.

Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: New York Garland pub. 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: 572.8 MOL] (1).

56. MOLECULAR biology of the cell

by Alberts, Bruce.

Publisher: New York Garland pub. 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 572.8 MOL] (4), Medical Library [Call number: 572.8 MOL] (1).

57. MOLECULAR biology of the cell

by Alberts, Bruce [et al].

Edition: 5thed.Publisher: New York Garland Science 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 572.8 MOL] (1).

58. Molecular biology of the cell: the problems book / [by] John Wilson,Tim Hunt

by WILSON, John | Hunt ,Tim.

Publisher: New York Garland pub. 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Agriculture Library [Call number: 572.8 WIL] (1).

59. Molecular cell biology / [by] James Darnell, Harvey Lodish, David Baltimore

by DARNELL, James | Lodish, Harvey | Baltimore, David.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: New York Scintific American books 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 572.8 DAR] (2).

60. MOLECULAR cell biology

by Lodish, Harvey.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: New York W.H.Freeman 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 572.8 MOL] (2), Medical Library [Call number: 572.8 MOL] (2). Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 572.8 MOL] (2).

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