Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
by Sankara rao, K. Edition: 2nd ed,Publisher: New Delhi Prentice - Hall 2005Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Ananda Sutras : eternal Indian values for a blissful life
by Ganesh, R. Publisher: Bangalore Prekshaa Pratishtana 2024Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Solid State Electronic Devices
by Streetman, Ben G.,[et.al]. Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: New Delhi Prentice - Hall 2006Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Differential Equations and their Applications
by Ahsan, Zafar. Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: New Delhi: Prentice - Hall. 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 515.35 AHS] (1).
The Easy bhagavad-gita
by Sreekrishna, Koti. [et al.], tr. Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: Mason W.I.S.E.Words 2022Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis
by Hutton, David. Publisher: New Delhi Tata McGraw - Hill Pub. 2007Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
A First Course in Electronics
by Khan, Anwar A.,[et.al]. Publisher: New Delhi Prentice - Hall 2006Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Mastering varnams Dr.L Subramaniam : thirty varnams in South Indian notation along with details about the ragas, technical exercises, lyrics in multiple scripts, and meanings Publisher: Bengaluru Subramaniam Foundation 2021Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Grob's Basic Electronics
by Schultz, Mitchel E. Edition: 10th ed.Publisher: New Delhi Tata McGraw - Hill Pub. 2009Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Grob's Basic Electronics
by Schuttz, Mitchel E. Edition: 10th ed.Publisher: New Delhi: Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 537.5 SCH] (1).
Mathematical Techniques for Engineers and Scientists
by Andrews, Larry C.,[et.al]. Publisher: New Delhi Prentice - Hall 2005Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
by Edminister, Joseph A. Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: New Delhi Tata McGraw - Hill Pub. 2006Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Vector Mechanics for Engineers
by Beer, Perdinand P.,[et.al]. Edition: 8th ed.Publisher: New Delhi Tata McGraw - Hill 2007Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Economics of onion production and marketing in Eastern Sri Lanka
by Sivarajah, Ponniah [et al.]. Publisher: Mauritius Lap Lambert Academic Publishing 2017Availability: Items available for reference: (2).
Embedded/ Real - Time Systems: concepts, design and programming
by Prasad, K. V. K. K. Publisher: New Delhi: Dreamlech, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 004.21 PRA] (1). Items available for reference: (1).
Numerical methods for mathematics science and engineering
by Mathews John, H. Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: New Delhi: Prentice - Hall, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 518 MAT] (1).
Ocp Developer PL/ SQL Program Units Exam Guide
by O'Hearn, Steve. Publisher: New Delhi: Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 005.7565 OHE] (1). Items available for reference: (1).
Consumer Behavior: building making strategy,9/e
by Hawkins, Del, I [et al]. Publisher: New Delhi: Tata Mcgraw - Hill Publishing, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 658.8342 CON] (1). Items available for reference: (1).
An Engineering approach to digital design
by Fletcher, William I. Publisher: New Delhi: Prentice - Hall, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 621.3815 FLE] (1).
Manual for review of undergraduate study programmes of Sri Lankan universities and higher education institutions Publisher: Colombo: The University Grants Commission, 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 378.5493 MAN] (1).