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1. A Study of five settlement schemes prior to irriagation modernization /

by Agrarian research and training institute.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research and training institute 1980Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: 333.76 SRI] (1).

2. an analysis of the pre-Mahaweli situation in H4 and H5 areas in Kala-Oya basin /

Publisher: Agrarian research and training institute 1979Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: 338.9 SRI] (1).

3. Farmers' knowledge and perception of improved technology / A.M.T.Gunawardana, M.L.Wickramasingh, S.Abeyratne

by Gunawardana, A.M.T | Wickramasingh, M.L | Abeyratne, S.

Publisher: Colombo Agrian research and training institute 1980Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: 631 SRI] (1).

4. Needs of children and adolescents: a case study of Sri Lanka / Includes appendinxes

by MARGA Institute.

Publisher: Colombo Marga Institute 1975Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 309.1095489 MAR] (2). Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 309.1095489 MAR] (1).

5. Smallholder rubber replanting in Sri Lanka: Trends, problems, and factors influe

by Jayasena, W.G.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research and training institute 1986Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: 633.895 JAY] (1).

6. Socio-economic condititons of rubber smallholders in Sri Lanka

by Jayasena, W.G.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research and training institute 1984Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: 338.47678 JAY] (1).

7. Some issues conforonting the rehabilitation of major irrigation schemes / Agrarian research and training institute

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research and training institute 1981Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: 333.91 SRI] (1).

8. A study of five settlement schemes prior to irrigation modernization: Padaviya

by Sri Lanka.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research & training institute 1980Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 333.76 SRI] (1).

9. A study of five settlement schemes prior to irrigation modernization: Vavunikula

by Sri Lanka.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research & training institute 1980Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 333.76 SRI] (1).

10. A study of five settlement schemes prior to irrigation modernization: Pavatkulam

by Sri Lanka.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research & training institute 1980Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 333.76 SRI] (1).

11. A study of five settlement schemes prior to irrigation modernization: Mahakanadarawa

by Sri Lanka.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research & training institute 1979Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 333.76 SRI] (1).

12. A study of five settlement schemes prior to irrigation modernization: Mahawilachchiya

by Sri Lanka.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarion research &training institute 1979Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 333.76 SRI] (1).

13. Hired labourers in peasant agricultre in Sri Lanka

by Agrarian research and training institute.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research and training institute 1980Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 301.35 AGR] (1).

14. Factors influencing vegetable prices: a study of the vegetable economy in Sri Lanka

by Sri Lanka.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian research and training institute 1980Availability: Items available for reference: Main Library [Call number: 338.17 SRI] (1).

© University of Jaffna