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261. Mathematical techniques / by D.W. Jordan, P. Smith : an introduction for the engineering, physical and math

by Jordan, D.W | Smith, P.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 510 JOR] (1).

262. Mathematical techniques / by D.W. Jordan, P.Smith : an introduction for the engineering, physical, and mat

by Jordan, D.W | Smith, P.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press 0Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 510 JOR] (1).

263. Mathematical biology


Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: New Delhi Springer (India) 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 570.151 MUR] (2).

264. Mathematical foundation of computer science

by Rajendra Prasad, J.

Publisher: New Delhi Universirty Science Press 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 004.0151 RAJ] (1).

265. Mathematical ideas: their nature and use /[by] Jagjit Singh


Publisher: London Hutchinson 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 510 JAG] (2).

266. Mathematical methods / [by] Merle C.Potter, Jack Goldberg

by POTTER, Merle C | Goldberg, Jack.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: New Delhi Prentice-Hall of India 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Technology Library [Call number: 510 POT] (1).

267. Mathematical methods

by POTTER, Merle C | Goldberg, Jack.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: New Delhi Prentice-Hall of India 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 510 POT] (2).

268. Mathematical methods for engineers /R.K.Livesley

by Livesley, R.K.

Publisher: England Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 620.00151 LIV] (1).

269. Mathematical methods for physicists / [by] George Arfken

by ARFKEN, George.

Edition: 2 nd ed.Publisher: New York Academic press 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 530.15 ARF] (1).

270. Mathematical methods for physicists

by ARFKEN, George B.

Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: Noida Elsevier India Reed 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 530.15 ARF] (2).

271. Mathematical methods for science students /G.Stephenson

by Stephenson, G.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: London Longman Group 1973Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 510 STE] (2).

272. Mathematical methods for science students / G.Stephenson


Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Harlow essex Longman Group 1973Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 510 STE] (1).

273. Mathematical methods in accountancy, economics, and finance

by LEONARD, Daniel.

Publisher: Australia Printice-Hall 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 510 LEO] (1).

274. Mathematical methods in continuous and discrete systems

by KARNI, Shlomo.

Publisher: New York Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 510 KAR] (1).

275. Mathematical methods in continuous and discrete systems / by Shlomo Karni, William J.Byatt

by Karni, Shlomo | Byatt, William J.

Publisher: New York Holt, Rinehart 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 510 KAR] (1).

276. Mathematical methods in electrical engineering / [by] Thomas B. A. Senior

by SENIOR, Thomas B. A.

Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 621.30151 SEN] (1).

277. Mathematical methods / by G.F.Fitz-Gerald, I.A.Peckham : for engineers and scientists

by Fitz-Gerald, G.F | Peckham, I.A.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: New South Wales Pearson Education Australia 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 620.00151 FIT] (1).

278. Mathematical modeling and computational intelligence in engineering applications / (ed. by) Antonio Jose da Silva Neto,P Orestes Llanes Santiago andP Geraldo Nunes Silva

by Neto, Antonio Jose da Silva., ed | Neto, Antonio Jose da Silva., ed | Santiago, Orestes Llanes., ed | Silva, Geraldo Nunes., ed.

Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 620.0011 MAT] (1).

279. Mathematical models in biology / [by] Leah Edelstein-Keshet


Publisher: Philadelphia Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 570.151 EDE] (1).

280. Mathematical physics / [by] P.K.Chattopadhyay


Publisher: New Delhi Wiley eastern 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 530.15 CHA] (1).

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