By HERMANSON, Roger H. | Edwards, James Don | Maher, Michael W.. Boston Irwin/McGraw-Hill 1998 . xxviii, 944 p. , Appendixes:p. A 1-A 9: Index: p. I 1-I 21. 025616732X
]]>By HERMANSON, Roger H. | Salmonson, R.F. | Edwards, James Don. Texas Business pub. 1986 . xxiv, 1111 p. , Appendixes: p. A 2 -A 55; Index: p.I 1 -I 9. 025603415X
]]>By Hermanson, Roger H.. Illinois Richard D.Irwin 1976 . xv, 510 p.- , Includes index. 8127215570
]]>By Hermanson, Roger H.. Burr Ridge Irwin 1994 . varied pages. , Includes appendixes. 025611191X
Place Hold on COMPUTERIZED accounting with peachtree coplete accounting (version 6.0) /
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