The religion and philosophy of tevaram: with special reference to Nampi Arurar (Sundarar) / M.A.Dorai Rangaswamy - Madras University of Madras 1958 - 4 v.(v.1,2-xii, 560 p.)
Other volumes are treated as seperate entries.
Tirumurais-Sundarar tevaram
894.81112 / DOR
The religion and philosophy of tevaram: with special reference to Nampi Arurar (Sundarar) / M.A.Dorai Rangaswamy - Madras University of Madras 1958 - 4 v.(v.1,2-xii, 560 p.)
Other volumes are treated as seperate entries.
Tirumurais-Sundarar tevaram
894.81112 / DOR